Friday 16 January 2015

Planning: Script Scene 5

Scene 5

Malcolm: Alright who are we looking for

Alex: Well theres suppose to be some assassin girl living around here, I heard she does local jobs so maybe we can just hire her?

Malcolm: And just how much is that going cost

Alex: Well I'm sure if we'll have enough between us

Malcolm: I hope your right
(Sees Alice walking into ally with man)

Alex: You don't think?

Malcolm: No couldn't be
(Hears girlish screams)

(Malcolm and Alex run into alley)

Malcolm: Well thats different

Alex: (Walking up to Alice) So you must be the assassin right we have a - (Cut off)
(Alice pins Alex to the ground, holds knife at throat)

Alice: Who are you and what do you want?

Malcolm: Woah woah, easy now, we just wanted to hire you for a job

Alice: Then why didn't you use the business address, Its on all my business cards

Malcolm: Wait you have business cards? Why would an assassin use those, isn't this an illegal business?

Alice: Yes

Malcolm: And your just letting everyone know your address?

Alice: Yes

Malcolm: Right, anyway were planning a hiest to steal the Jewel of Atem, would you be able to help

Alice: Yes

Malcolm: All right I'll leave you and my friend there to arrange the payments

Alex: Wait what?

Malcolm: See you later Alex

Alex: you bastard!

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