Friday, 10 October 2014

Short Film Poster Analysis: Return of the Jedi

Effect (Analysis)
  • Credits at bottom
  • Film Title Near Bottom
  • Title Overlays characters
  • Characters are centralised on screen
  • Iconic Darth Vader at top
  • Credits are seen as less important details on a poster, small at bottom, makes sure they don't steal attention from rest of poster
  • Film Title overlays the characters, shows that the star wars logo is more recognisable than the actors themselves.
  • Centralising the characters make them appear to be more important, provides point of focus.
  • The use of Darth Vader, arguably one of the most iconic characters from star wars, over shadows the other characters, shows his relevance.
  • Grey font
  • Seriff
  • Capitalised
  • Underlined
  • Change in font sizes
  • Grey font is dull, doesn't steal attention from rest of poster, still stands out from dark background used in poster.
  • Under and over lines lock the text in place, makes it clear, stands out.
  • Use of different text sizes makes the more prominent, larger texts attract more attention and be more memorable.